Home Improvement

7 Most Common Causes Of Burst Pipes At Home

You notice that your water pipes make an unusually disturbing clanging noise. Water pressure’s unsteady, and there’s a strange smell — and a pool of water — around these pipes. Your water bill arrives and it reflects a sudden increase. All these are too familiar for anyone who’s been working for a Santa Rosa water damage restoration company: You’re experiencing the most common symptoms of a pipe burst. We know, it’s a dreadful scenario. And your first instinct should be to turn of your water and drain the faucets, and of course, call the pros to address any water damage....
Home Improvement

5 Tips to Buy the Perfect Sofa Online

We live in a time when anything and everything can be bought online. From grocery items to clothing, furniture to apparel, people like to shop from the comfort of their homes. However, buying a regular item online is relatively easier than buying a large piece of furniture, like a sofa. Purchasing sofas for your living or working space is an investment and has to be made carefully, especially when there are various types of sofas for sale online. Buying a sofa online may seem confusing and daunting, with so many options available. However, if you know a few tips and...