Home Improvement

7 Most Common Causes Of Burst Pipes At Home

You notice that your water pipes make an unusually disturbing clanging noise. Water pressure’s unsteady, and there’s a strange smell — and a pool of water — around these pipes. Your water bill arrives and it reflects a sudden increase. All these are too familiar for anyone who’s been working for a Santa Rosa water damage restoration company: You’re experiencing the most common symptoms of a pipe burst.

We know, it’s a dreadful scenario. And your first instinct should be to turn of your water and drain the faucets, and of course, call the pros to address any water damage. However, you should also get to the root of the problem. In this article, we’re compiling seven of the most common reasons behind burst pipes at residential areas.

You have corrosion in your pipes. When there’s an imbalance in a water’s pH levels, it can lead to corrosion. This issue is further aggravated by rust and old age. It’s also more common in houses that use well water (which tend to have higher iron concentrations).

You have clogged pipes. As what any Santa Rosa water damage restoration company can attest, clogs (e.g. Hair, food waste, mineral buildup, oil/grease) in water pipes is one of the most common culprits of burst pipes.

Your pipes handle too much water pressure. When pipes get clogged, it can lead to an increase in water pressure, which ultimately leads to their bursting. Pipe bursts can also be attributed to fluctuating water pressure.

You have collapsed pipes. From natural factors to construction-induced changes, soil can shift and may increase the weight being shouldered by your pipes. Whatever the cause is, both will lead to the collapsing of your pipes.

You have frozen pipes. Once the temperature drops, water inside your pipes may freeze and expand. Once the frozen water inflicts too much pressure on the pipes, the pipes will eventually rupture.

You have tree roots wrapping around your pipes. In case you’re not aware of it yet, tree roots grow to the direction where there is water. Once they find an access point in your water line, they can penetrate through it and wrap themselves around your pipes.

Your pipes are weak and unprotected. Because pipes are subjected to different elements and changes, it’s best to invest in protective measurements (like insulation wraps). Unprotected pipes are more prone to bursting.

Prevent Your Water Pipes From Bursting

Calling help from a Santa Rosa water damage restoration company is ideal once your pipes have already burst. But even before having a reason to get assistance from such a business, you should also do your part and undertake preventive measures.

One of the things you can do is to add insulation to unheated areas in your homes that have pipes (like your basement or attic). Likewise, you should also insulate the pipes themselves.

Furthermore, you have to keep your home’s temperature consistent. And once the weather gets cold, draining outdoor hoses is also a great idea. If you suspect your pipes to be freezing, you can try thawing it with a space heater or a hair dryer.

Water damage can be a headache but a good Santa Rosa water damage restoration company is always ready to give you a hand. Contact us today at California Steam Clean.

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Paul watson