Home Improvement

Why is a home pre-purchase inspection important?

A home pre-purchase inspection is an inspection set to find out the condition of a house before a home buyer proceeds to buy it. I know what you are thinking, buying a house is very expensive, and why on earth would I add other expenses on top of that? The home is brand new, why is an inspection needed? Can’t I rely on the inspection done by the previous lender?

Most people don’t see the reason as to why they should conduct a pre-house inspection. But considering that a homeowner can do anything to convince you to buy his home is a cause of concern. A homeowner doesn’t care whether the house is faulty, all he wants is the maximum pay he can get from it. He can never disclose faults. Before proceeding to acquire a home it is wise to have it inspected by Inspection MCM for any fault before pumping your money into the project. In this article, we are looking forward to explaining to you the importance of conducting a pre-purchase inspection.

  • Getting a good understanding of your new property.

A thorough inspection done by a professional will give you a good understanding of your property. What is better than understanding a property you own? Having every detail of your new home from its aesthetic features and the general compound is a great step that will give you the right picture of your new property even before buying it.

  • Determine whether a home needs renovation.

Of course, a home needs renovation. The main point here is, how long will it take for a renovation. Is the renovation immediate, medium or long term. If a house needs an immediate renovation, then it means its value should drop a little to cater for the renovation. These little considerations will save you some bucks after all. 

  • Estimate the price of your home and limit the risk of future faults.

A thorough inspection will give a detailed report of the features of the house. These features and the condition they are in are used to estimate the value of a house. Are the features old or are they new? Old features will mean renovation which in turn will translate to less value.

An inspection will be done to find out faults in the house, cracked walls, insect invasion and more. With this knowledge, you buy a house without any risk in the future.

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Criss Trecy