Home Improvement

  Patrick Shin – Hawaii’s Construction Expert

In 1990, a company called Nan Inc. was founded in Hawaii and in three decades, it has become one of the most popular construction firms that exist. It has enjoyed quick success in a field like construction and continues to deliver excellence to its clients via every project in takes. None of this could have been possible without Patrick Shin, Hawaii’s construction expert who launched the company three decades ago.

He moved from South Korea where he had been Nan Chul Shin to the United States with the dream of becoming an entrepreneur. There was a lot of struggle initially and he worked with his broker on his fishing business in New York. It was his luck that he got a football scholarship to Bowling Green State University and was able to do his majors in business administration from there. He worked in the field of construction for a couple of years and then set out to launch Nan Inc.

When he had begun working, Patrick Shin didn’t have any resources and only had one employee to help him. Today, if you are wondering about net worth of Patrick Shin – owner of Nan Inc., you will find that it is between the range of $10 million and $50 million. He couldn’t have gotten where he is today if he had given up. After all, it was an uphill battle to launch a company and then ensure it continued to move up ahead the ladder.

His first project was the installation of a road sign, but even that he did with full determination and dedication. It was because of his efforts that Nan Inc. grew and expanded as rapidly as it did. Their workforce has increased to 500 people and it continues to provide opportunities to its workers to grow. Moreover, Patrick Shin has certainly not forgotten his humble beginnings either because he is also known as a philanthropist in Hawaii.

He has donated money for a variety of causes and has also supported a number of charities because he wanted to do good things for the state of Hawaii. Nan Inc. continues to operate on principles of integrity and professionalism and it is all because of its owner. Patrick Shin is a very generous individual and he is still working to ensure that his construction company continues to deliver quality work to all of its clients and completes all projects in a timely manner.

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Criss Trecy