
How to Set Up WiFi Control App for MRCOOL DIY Mini Split

MRCOOL mini split is a popular air conditioning system with easy installation, energy-efficient operation, and customizable temperature control. One of the most convenient features of this mini split system is its WiFi control capability. With the MRCOOL WiFi control app, you can easily manage your air conditioning settings from anywhere using your smartphone or tablet. This article guides you through setting up the WiFi control app for your MRCOOL DIY Mini Split.

Why should you set up the app?

With the app, you can enjoy the convenience of controlling your air conditioning from anywhere using your smartphone or tablet. Just ensure that your mini split is compatible with the app and that you have installed the WiFi kit properly. Then, download and install the app, connect it to your mini split, and customize your preferences.

Step 1: Check Compatibility and Prepare the System

Before you begin, ensure your MRCOOL Mini Split is compatible with the WiFi control app. You will need an MRCOOL WiFi kit, which is compatible with all MRCOOL Split models. The kit includes a WiFi module and a USB cable. To install the kit, first, turn off the power to the mini split unit. Then, locate the control board inside, and plug the WiFi module into the USB port on the board. Finally, connect the module to your WiFi network using the app.

Step 2: Download and Install the App

The MRCOOL WiFi control app is available for free download on App Store and Google Play. Search for “MRCOOL WiFi” and look for the official app from MRCOOL. Once you have found the app, download and install it on your smartphone or tablet.

Step 3: Connect the App to Your Mini Split

After you have downloaded and installed the app, open it and create an account. Follow the on-screen instructions that connect the app to your Mini Split. First, ensure your smartphone or tablet has a connection to the WiFi network as your mini split unit. Then, tap the “Add Device” button on the app and select your mini split from the list of available devices. The app will guide you through the rest of the setup process, including connecting the WiFi module to your network.

Step 4: Set Up Your Preferences

Once you have successfully connected the app to your mini-split, you can start customizing your preferences. The app lets you set your desired temperature, fan speed, and other settings. You can also create schedules to adjust your air conditioning based on your daily routine automatically. Additionally, the app provides real-time information on your mini split’s performance, such as temperature readings and energy usage.

Step 5: Enjoy the Convenience of WiFi Control

With the WiFi control app, you can easily manage your MRCOOL Mini Split from anywhere, at any time. Wherever you are, you can use the app to adjust your air conditioning settings to your liking. Plus, the app’s scheduling feature allows you to save energy and money by automatically adjusting your air conditioning based on your daily routine.

Setting up the WiFi control app for your MRCOOL DIY Mini Split is a straightforward process that can significantly enhance your air conditioning experience. With these steps, you’ll be enjoying the benefits of WiFi control in no time.

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Betty Oconnell