
Housing Problems And Modern Times Housing Styles

Housing is a very basic human right that should be easily attainable by all human beings. But unfortunately, housing is one of the most arising modern global problems. The housing problem has been one of the major reasons for homelessness. Due to the population rising day by day, land and geographical area have been compromised. Housing and architecture is also a very good investment and economic investment, it’s a growing industry with newer projects every day. 

Cities with very newer projects try to accomplish the needs of new modern housing requirements and demands of the people. Some good example of this is new projects like condo charansanitwong (คอน โด จรัญสนิทวงศ์, which is the term in Thai) in Thailand. People are trying their best to compensate for the lack of land for housing by developing modern ways of housing. The architecture of modern times tries to makes design and houses which can fit into the lack of existing problems.

Some Of The Modern Forms Of Houses Which People Can Opt For Are:

  • One Family House 

One family home or a single-family home is a property own by the owner itself. The house is separate and private property that the owner shares with no one. The walls of the house are not joined or attached by someone else property. The single-family home is usually made on land that is also owned by the owner. The land where the house stands can be used for any personal use of the owner. The maintenance and other expenses are sole to the owner.

  • Condominium 

The condominium is a space or property for housing that is in a shared architecture that is owned by an owner.  Condominiums are also known as condos. An owner usually buys a condo from an owner or real estate company like condo charansanitwong project, the condo after sold is the sole responsibility of the owner for its maintenance and everything.

  • Apartment 

Apartments or flats are like condos but it’s not completely owned by the owner itself. The falts are more like rented space. The maintenance and other responsibilities of the apartment are shared either with an agent or a real estate company to which the building residing the flat belongs.

  • Co-Op House

The co-op house as the name suggests is like a single-family house but it’s shared with more than one family. Space is shared by different families sharing responsibilities and management. It can be a building of multiple houses.

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Criss Trecy