Home Improvement

Console table – a focal point in your home

A console table is a piece of furniture placed against the wall, and, most of the time, it is attached to the wall to make it more secure. A high end console cabinet is used for display. It holds decorative pieces such as table top frames, figurines, lamps, and flower vases. While console tables serve decorative purposes, designs and styles changed throughout the years. Today, you can find a unique console table with storage. Such console tables function as a decorative section and a storage space. 

There are rules to follow when choosing a console table with drawersThey are as follows:

Choose the right shape – 

A console table is available in various shapes, but the usual shapes are rectangular and square. Although, you can also find round and oval-shaped console tables. Some are free standing while others need to be secured to the wall. The majority of console tables you can find in many homes are rectangular and have thin and slender legs making them ideal for hallways and lobbies. 

Go with neutral colors – 

A console table is most of the time used to hold decorative pieces, and so, it would be nice to choose the one with a neutral color. You can also go for bold colors, but you have to be very careful when placing decorative pieces. The color of the console table and the color of decorative pieces should be in contrast to complement each other. 

Choose the right materials – 

The majority of console tables you can find in the market are made from hardwood. However, you have to keep in mind that not all woods are the same. If you want your console table to last for the years to come, then you should buy the one made from high-quality materials. It’s a bit expensive but you will surely get your money’s worth.  

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Criss Trecy