Home Improvement

All about Duvet Covers

A duvet cover is a cover that the duvet or quilt goes into to keep it clean.  Think of a duvet cover as a huge pillowcase for the duvet!

If you’ve not taken the plunge yet, then a duvet is not the same as a comforter or eiderdown.  It is a single bed covering designed to be used without blankets or a top sheet and as many of us who use them will tell you, they are the most comfortable way to sleep.

The duvet cover though really serves two purposes:

  1. To keep the duvet clean
  2. To add a style statement to the bedroom

The great thing about duvet covers is that they are an inexpensive way to change or enhance the bedroom.  They come in different colors, styles and materials.  The covers can be crisp and modern, being a single solid color that looks chic.  While others are like beautiful works of art with patterns of flowers, animals, stripes – you name it, just like shirts, they come in a vast variety of styles to suit all tastes.

The covers close over the bottom edge with buttons, poppers or a zipper.

Duvet covers come in various materials such as:


Cotton is cool in the summer.  It’s soft and comfortable to use all year round.


Linen is a highly breathable fabric that is warm in winter and cool in summer, Linen though creases easily and can feel a little rough against the skin.


Pure silk is breathable and luxurious to use for a duvet cover.  It is ideal for those with allergies because it repels dust.


A polycotton mix is often the most versatile choice.  Polycotton combines the breathability and softness of cotton with the fast drying and easy or no iron of polyester.  Look for a 50/50 mix of polyester and cotton to benefit from the cotton element.


Often lowest price, but easy to overheat in, as not usually breathable.  Easy to care for and warm in winter.

Cotton is generally considered the best choice.

Because textiles thread counts vary, so does the quality of any material, that’s why Pushplinen offer cotton duvet covers with 400 thread count for quality and comfort.  The 400 tc ensures the cotton is breathable, warm in winter and cool in summer.

Check them out and order today Duvet Covet Set







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Betty Oconnell